Tropical Crop Science




海外留学の報告 Report on Study Abroad






赤道直下の熱帯雨林気候区分のインドネシア・スマトラ島では一年を通して雨が降り、降水量50 mm以上の滝のような雨を月に数回観測することも珍しくありません。恵みの雨といえども、こうした土壌水分の極端な増加は、多くの畑作物にとって生育や収量に深刻な負の影響を与えるストレス要因となります。さらに熱帯環境では、高温・多湿や強日射といった地上からのストレス要因も、作物に対して複合的に、かつ刻々と変動しながら作用します。本留学では、先進地域で蓄積されたスマート農業に関する知識・技術を熱帯途上地域に移転し、環境ストレスに対する作物応答のメカニズムを様々な微気象の変化から説明することで、ストレス状態をリアルタイムで診断するバイオモニタリング技術の有効性を実証しました。研究成果について学術論文や学会での発表を行う計画です。なお、本留学の実施に際し、文部科学省官民協働海外留学支援制度~トビタテ!留学JAPAN日本代表プログラム~*の助成を賜りました。


Keita GOTO

Indonesia Sriwijaya University (South Sumatra)

11 months (May 2022 – April 2023)


In the tropical rainforest climate of Sumatra, Indonesia, which is located just below the equator, rainfall occurs throughout the year, and it is not unusual to see waterfalls of 50 mm or more of precipitation several times a month. Even though the rains are a blessing, this extreme increase in soil water status is a stress factor for many field crops, with serious negative effects on growth and yields. Furthermore, in tropics, above-ground stressors such as high temperatures, high humidity, and intense solar radiation also act on crops in a complex and dynamic manner. This study abroad program aimed to transfer the knowledge and technology on smart agriculture accumulated in developed regions to tropical developing regions, and demonstrated the efficiency of biomonitoring technology to real-time diagnose crop stress levels by revealing the mechanism of crop response to environmental stress based on various microclimatic changes. We will soon be presenting our research results in scientific publications and at conferences. This research was conducted with financial support from the ‘Tobitate Study Abroad Japan’ program, a public-private collaboration led by Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT)*.








鹿児島大学が学術協定を締結しているタイ王国カセサート大学へ「ひっ飛べ!進取の気風派遣留学プログラム」の助成を賜り留学しました。カセサート大学は歴史ある国立農業大学で、Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agronomyにて、2022年8月から2023年6月までの2学期間、バンコク郊外のカンペンセーンキャンパスで研究をしました。



Kao Fujimoto


I stayed at Kasetsart University, Thailand as an exchange student. Kasetsart University is one of the national agricultural universities signed an academic agreement with Kagoshima University. I belonged to the Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agronomy from August 2022 to June 2023.

Thailand is the fourth largest sugarcane producer in the world and accounts for 10 percent of global sugar exports. One of the main problems of sugarcane production is the fluctuation of productivity mainly due to drought. Prolonged drought affects the low production of ratoon crops and allows only one-time ratooning. Thus, drought tolerance is one of the prioritized targets for the breeding program.

During my stay, research on sugarcane aiming for drought tolerance is conducted at Kamphaeng Sean campus of Kasetsart University. The main objective of this research was to evaluate leaf anatomical and physiological traits of four varieties under drought conditions.

